Thursday, October 12, 2006

Watch those links

I've been spending the last 45 minutes reading your blogs. There's a lot of terrific stuff, and, increasingly, I'm pilfering some of your posts for Media Nation. (Thanks!)

Watch your links — I'm finding a few malformed links every time I visit your blogs. If you copy and paste from the address window, you should be fine.

Let me leave you with a trio of visual items that you should take a look at:
  • From Lisa Panora: the Google Image Labeler, an online contest in which you're paired with another user to provide 90 seconds' worth of free labor for Google. I tried it and didn't get too far — I guess I'm just not quick enough.
  • From Thomas Chen: An interactive graphic on illustrating a Boston Globe story on population growth.
  • From Rachel Slajda: "The Nietzsche Family Circus." Thus sprach Billy.